We Love Prophet Muhammad Extended Assembly Nov 15th, 2019
As-salam Alaikum Dear WFA Parents, Jazakum Allah for joining us to celebate our love to our beloved Prohpet Muhammad Salla Allah Alihi Wasallam. Students have done an amazing job, Masha’Allah reciting Ayyat from the Qura’an and reading some Ahadeeth. May Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’alla continue to Bless and Protect our younger Muslim genration and Guide […]
Brighton Fire Department Visiting Our School

Our students have been learning about fire safety .Brighton Fire Department visited our school and gave a great presentation which our students enjoyed . Take a look at our students exploring the fire truck !
Celebrating Earth Day !

Our students celebrated Earth Day by cleaning trash around our school. We discussed that Allah (SWT) made the earth and we have to take care of Allah’s creations.
Filed Trip to Museum of Play :)

Here We Come Spring :)

Spring walk is a MUST on a beautiful day !
Pre-K Snow Sledding and Outdoor Play !

We enjoyed outdoor play after a snowstorm with more than 20 inches of snow
Pre-K School Choice Week !

Our students had fun celebrating School choice Week : Ethnic Day , Professorial Day , PJ Day , Mismatch Day and Pancake Day with principal ,teachers , parents and students
School Choice Week 2017

We enjoyed coming to school wearing our cozy and comfy pajamas , as well as mismatching our clothes
Welcome to Westfall Academy 2016-2017
Welcome to the new school year! We are happy to have you back as well as welcome new faces. Here is some important information for the upcoming school year. We hope to see everyone on August 20 or 21 from 10am-1:30pm for registration.[embeddoc url=”https://westfallacademy.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Westfall-Academy-2016-2017-supply-list-1.docx” download=”all” viewer=”microsoft”]