School Choice Week !
Thank you for choosing Westfall Academy.Our Kindergartners had so much fun on Pajama Day, January 23rd 2017.
The First Graders did an excellent job reciting “The Crayon Box That Talked”, a book about celebrating diversity. This is one of the headbands we made in honor of Dr. Martin Luther, King, Jr.
Pajama Day 2017
We had a great time on Pajama Day! Thank you for choosing Westfall Academy!
School Choice Week 2017

We enjoyed coming to school wearing our cozy and comfy pajamas , as well as mismatching our clothes 🙂
2017 calendar designed and painted by Kindergartners . Happy New Year !!
kindergartners designed and created their 3D shapes projects
Graham crackers houses. Paper origami to create cylinders, cubes, rectangular prisms and cones.
Winter Bulletin Board 2016-2017
That's How Pre-K Enjoys the Snow !