Take a Look at our Busy Bumble Bees !
Our Students had fun practicing writing on shaving cream which encourages their imagination and creative play. Because mothers are very special , we made hand print flowers for Mother’s Day ! Lulu , Rania , Aisha and Norah are ready for Kindergarten 🙂 Our students reciting Surah Al-Fateha in the morning assembly ! To celebrate […]
ZooMobile's Visit to our School !
Our students had so much fun learning about different animal groups, as well as animal behaviors and adaptations!
Take a look at our busy Pre-K I & II Class !
We start the day with morning assembly in which we recite Surah Al-Fateha everyday ! Then we get very busy during the day switching between learning centers . As you see , our students line up very nicely for Fire Drill 🙂 We have been learning about plants and how Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala Makes […]
Good news from Pre-kI : Nadine Hussien " the star of the week" of April 11th !
Masha’Allah Nadine !Keep up the good work ! Parents, stay tuned for more stars in our classroom !
Pre-K 2016 Crazy Hat Day !!

As-salam Alikum , take a look at our students wearing their crazy hats ! –
Peek at Our Busy Pre-K Students !
Welcome Letter from Westfall
Dear Parents, As Salaamualikum. Alhamdulillah we have completed the month of Ramadan. The community did the tarawee in jama’ and we all enjoyed the spirit of unity and taquwa. Now that we have entered the month of Shawwal, another blessed month, may Allah help us all to maintain the same fervor and commitment as we […]
Pre-k Graduation Ceremony 2015
Masha’Allah, our wonderful Pre-k students looked very fancy and performed well in the school graduation ceremony 2015. They recited Surah Al-Aser so beautifully. They also performed The Islamic Months nasheed, along with Rainbow ,a nursery rhyme.
Pre-k class 2015 !
Take a look at our Pre-k fun activities !