That's How Pre-K Enjoys the Snow !

Fire Safely Presented by Brighten Fire Department !

Hooray for First Day of School !
Take a peek at our first day of school. Ready , set go to our new school year 2016 !
Pre-K Class of 2016 Graduation Ceremony !

Thank you Pre-K parents for a wonderful year ! It was our pleasure working with those eager learners. Have a good Summer and see you in September Insha’Allah ! Pre-K Team
Take a Look at our Busy Bumble Bees !
Our Students had fun practicing writing on shaving cream which encourages their imagination and creative play. Because mothers are very special , we made hand print flowers for Mother’s Day ! Lulu , Rania , Aisha and Norah are ready for Kindergarten 🙂 Our students reciting Surah Al-Fateha in the morning assembly ! To celebrate […]
ZooMobile's Visit to our School !
Our students had so much fun learning about different animal groups, as well as animal behaviors and adaptations!
Take a look at our busy Pre-K I & II Class !
We start the day with morning assembly in which we recite Surah Al-Fateha everyday ! Then we get very busy during the day switching between learning centers . As you see , our students line up very nicely for Fire Drill 🙂 We have been learning about plants and how Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala Makes […]
Good news from Pre-kI : Nadine Hussien " the star of the week" of April 11th !
Masha’Allah Nadine !Keep up the good work ! Parents, stay tuned for more stars in our classroom !
Pre-K 2016 Crazy Hat Day !!

As-salam Alikum , take a look at our students wearing their crazy hats ! –
Pre-K October 26 Sneak Preview
OCT 26 SNEAK 2015