WFA Graduation and Moving up Ceremony 2021

Congratulations WFA graduates and moving-up students on your big day. It was an unusual school year, but Alhamdulillah, together, we made it through. As the 2020/2021 ends, we would like to take moment to express our graduate to those who helped us get through a year that was no other! Many thanks to Brighton Town […]
Field Trip to the Strong Museum of Play!
Eid Carnival 2021

Alhamdulillah everyone had so much fun at our Eid Carnival 2021????????Students enjoyed Henna Station, Face-paint Station, Bouncy House, Eid Greeting Cards Station, Eid Star and Snack Station. Many thanks to our parents for joining???? Special thanks to our amazing teachers for their efforts to make this happen????
Welcome Ramadan Program 2021-2022

Alhamdulillah it was amazing to celebrate the holy month of Ramadan with our students and their parents. This was our 1st In-person event since COVID hit last March. Students recited Quran and performed beautiful Islamic Anasheed.
Earth Clean-up Day

Our students celebrated Earth Day by picking up trash around our building. Masha’Allah! Great job friends.

You can make a donation by scanning this QR code that links to PayPal on your mobile device or choosing one of the options below. Donation options: PayPal: How to install/use Zelle to donate?It’s very simple, secure and no cost to you or us or paperwork hassle.Go to your Bank account on your phone […]
Westfall Academy wishes you and your families a very blessed Ramadan!

April Highlights and Important Dates

Dear WFA Families, As-salamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh/Peace and blessing be upon you! We pray this email finds you in the best of health and spirit, Insha’Allah. Welcome back to school! We hope you had a great Spring Break and enjoyed a quality time with your loved ones. It’s hard to believe we kick off the […]
100th Day of School 2021

We celebrated our 100th Day of school 2021 together and In-Person, Alhamdulillah!! Students joy rotating between the different stations: 100 Chain, 100 Thankfulness to Allah, 100 Snack Pack, 100th Day of School Crown and a variety of cool coloring sheets! Sincerely, WFA
National School Choice Week 2021
National School Choice Week 2021 was a success, Alhamdulillah! It was an inclusive, positive, and welcoming week! Our goal was to raise awareness of education choices so that families can find schools like Westfall Academy, a full time Islamic school, to meet the needs of their children! It was also to celebrate our amazing teachers and school staff, dedicated students, committed […]