We truly appreciate your support and commitment. It is because of you WFA continues to grow and flourish to serve our younger Muslim generation. May Allah (SWT) put Barakah in your Rizq and double your Hasanat.
If you are interested, please donate to support our full-time Islamic School using the following options:
• Text your pledge to Mohammad Zafar: 585-975-9803 or to amanee.albaram@westfallacademy.org
• Send your donations via Zelle to treasurer@theicr.org. Don’t forget to add Westfall Academy Donation in the memo
• Donate directly at the Islamic Center Website: http://www.theicr.org/donate/ Remember to mention Westfall Academy in the memo.
• Mail your check, with Westfall Academy in the memo, to the Islamic Center of Rochester, P.O Box 23266, Rochester, NY 14692. ATTN: Westfall Academy Donation.
Once again, thank you and Jazakum Allah Khair.
Westfall Academy Fundraising Committee
Islamic Center of Rochester