Guidance for Initial Stages of Virtual Instruction

Dear WFA Parents/Guardians,
Assalam Alikum Warahmatullah Wabarakatuh

Tomorrow, Monday, March 23rd is officially our first day of remote learning! We are excited for all the learning to come insha’Allah. As we continue to evolve on the Google Classroom platform, please note some key points below:

Our Expectations:
Teachers are expected to support the education of students during their instructional hours. They have instructional schedules, will provide assignments, track your child’s progress, and check in with them/you if there are signs of struggle or non-participation. Co-principals will continue to guide staff through regular virtual meetings and check-ins for operational and instructional needs. Administration will also continue to contact parents with announcements, expectations, and changes at the school and district levels.

Parent Expectations:
Allow your child to fully engage in the learning experiences provided by the teacher on their Google Classroom! If parents have questions or concerns, please email the teacher directly through your own email account (instead of your child’s Google Classroom/account) or message the teacher directly on Remind as you always would. The Google Classroom stream will be a place dedicated to the continuous exchange of students and teachers just as a physical classroom space would be.

Working Hours:
Classroom time is structured as appropriate and will fall during the existing school hours of 8-4 PM. Your child’s teacher will communicate with you and your child regarding their specific platforms used and availability during the school day. If you ever need to connect with the teacher, please do not hesitate to reach out.

Student attendance will be taken daily by teachers on QuickSchools. Measures of attendance include joining Google Classroom daily, posting as instructed, submitting assignments, and engaging in Google Meet during specified times. If your child is unable to connect with their teacher to participate on a given day, please contact the teacher directly to notify them.

Tips for a Successful Online Experience:
-Attend virtual class on time
-Make sure the audio is on and sound is audible before every learning experience
-For trouble with your device or slow programs, try restarting the laptop/computer/iPad
-Help guide your child if he/she has trouble scrolling and switching screens (until they are used to it)
-Reach out to teachers for tips and help with the Google Classroom stream

Resource for COVID-19 Updates:
Google has launched an educational coronavirus website that contains safety tips and authoritative information about the pandemic. Please use the links, maps, and videos to follow the latest news:

We are looking forward to an exceptional remote learning experience at Westfall Academy. Don’t hesitate to reach out should you have any questions or concerns.

Fi Amaan Allah


WFA Co Principals