Dear Westfall Academy Parents/Guardians,
Assalam Alaikum/Greetings
We hope you are doing well, Insha’Allah.
As we navigate new and uncharted territory with the school closure, our teachers came together as a team yesterday to prepare for the first stages of instruction. Our staff is dedicated to ensuring that we do our best to ensure a proper transition to remote learning.
Planning and Pick-Up:
As per Brighton District directives, from this point on, our staff will be planning from home to set up their education tools, plan longer term units, and create packets. Students will be getting a device to help them succeed learning remotely.
Partnership with Google’s G-Suite Education:
Alhamdulellah, our G-Suite Education is available for Westfall Academy students. Our dedicated teachers have created their very own Google Classroom. This includes Quran, Islamic Studies, PE, Computer and Arabic Language. We’ve created Westfall Academy emails for all of our students Pre-K -5th Grade.
Please note that remote instruction will begin officially on Monday, March 23rd. Teachers will share specifics with parents of what instruction will look like over the course of time, depending on the duration of the closure. All state testing for testing grades have been suspended by the Office of Assessment.
As we engage in new remote/distance learning practices, we will continue to be sensitive to the needs of our families and staff. We are all unique in how we may be dealing with remote connectivity, technology, childcare responsibilities, etc; given the variety of factors that we are all contending with, opportunities for instruction will be atypical but will certainly continue to evolve. No matter what, insha’Allah, we are all in this together and encourage parents to reach out to teachers or principals when guidance is needed.We are here for you, so please do not hesitate to reach back should you have any questions and/or concerns.
May Allah Subhanahu Wa’talla Keep all of us protected and safe, Ameen.
Westfall Academy Co-Principals
Amanee Albaram
Raqshinda Khan