What an amazing day!! ????????????????
The first Drive By Parade ever at the Islamic Center of Rochester went well, Alhamdulellah. It was wonderful to see our students and their families for the first time since March!
A big THANK YOU to Brighton Police Department for being part of this memorable day! Thank you for making our day an incredibly special one.
Thanks to the Westfall Academy Education Committee and the ICR Board members for their participation and support. It meant a lot to us.
Thanks WAPTA for being part of this big day. Thanks for providing our teachers with refreshing drinks, delicious snacks, and lovely posters. Thanks for your thoughtfulness and generosity.
Thanks to our WFA parents! This could have not possible without you! Thank you for helping us to make this happen. It was wonderful to see each one of you. We appreciate your commitment and support.
Thanks to our WFA students! Your lovely smiles made our day! You looked amazing! We are proud of your accomplishments and success. WFA Class 2020, Congratulations !! YOU MADE IT!
Finally, THANK YOU to our heroes! Our amazing teachers! Thanks for all the love and care you surround our students with. We appreciate everything you do.
Photos by Sabreen Albaram