

June 2020 Important Events

Dear WFA Families, As-salamu Alaikum /Greetings We hope this post finds you well, Insha'Allah. The time has flown by and here comes our last month for this year. Please find in the…

Support Westfall Academy

We truly appreciate your support and commitment. It is because of you WFA continues to grow and flourish to serve our younger Muslim generation. May Allah (SWT) put Barakah in…

Ramadan Mubarak 2020

Westfall Academy wishes you and your families an incredibly happy and blessed Ramadan. As we spend the holy month fasting and praying for Allah’s grace, guidance and mercy, May the…

Guidance for Initial Stages of Virtual Instruction

Dear WFA Parents/Guardians,Assalam Alikum Warahmatullah Wabarakatuh Tomorrow, Monday, March 23rd is officially our first day of remote learning! We are excited for all the learning to come insha’Allah. As we…

Remote Learning Planning

Dear Westfall Academy Parents/Guardians, Assalam Alaikum/Greetings We hope you are doing well, Insha'Allah. As we navigate new and uncharted territory with the school closure, our teachers came together as a…

Important Update Regarding COVID-19 Westfall Academy School Dismissal

Dear Westfall Academy Families, As salamu Alaykum The Monroe County Executive Adam Bello has declared a state of emergency for the County of Monroe because of COVID-19 outbreak. Westfall Academy…

Corning Museum of Glass Field Trip 2019-20

Classes Prek-5th Grade had an amazing time visiting Corning Museum of Glass Thursday, March 5th. We are very proud of our students following TWIST characters:“Thoughtful, Wise, Independent,Safe, Together" Special thanks…

100th Day of School Celebration!

Students had a wonderful day celebrating 100 Days of School, Alhamdulellah. They were able to rotate between these fun stations: Thankfulness for Allah, Scavenger Hunt, Snack Pack, Cup Structure, Reasons…